Autococker withstanding the test of time

The Worr Games Autococker and it’s rise to greatness

Warren Buffet is now being touted as a genius once again. He did not jump onto the dot com fad bandwagon, and as they all crashed, he watched his portfolio swell with record profits. Warren Buffet is on top once again.

Like the old stock-picker, the Autococker has withstood the test of time and proven once again that it is one of the best, if not the best, paintball marker on the market today.

Fads have come and gone. In the early 90s, a whole barrage of full auto and 3 shot burst guns hit the market with the introduction of the constant air CO2 tanks. Later light-trigger high rate of fire guns came and went. Now manufacturers are rushing to produce electronic markers. Fads come and go. Sometimes they even hang around.

The Autococker itself was a fad at one point in its life. Everyone was using pump guns and someone figured out a way to jerry rig the Sniper pump gun to self-pump. This seemed to work out very well, and as luck would have it, the Autococker has remained at the top of most paintball players’ wish lists.

From its inception the Autococker was well designed and very accurate. Other manufacturers wanted to jump on the bandwagon and produce self cocking guns. They worked furiously and produced markers that did not measure up. All guns since the Autococker have been blowback designs. They all have parts that slam back and forth and let out a lot of air. They use the air to shoot the piantball and recock the gun simultaneously. The design is inherently flawed, yet the most advanced electronic guns of today continue to use this design.

The Autococker is different. Firstly, it is a closed bolt system. This helps make the gun more air efficient and consistent. Secondly, no parts are shot around the inside blasting into adjacent parts. An arm on the side uses some gas to recock the gun. An ingenious idea. No other gun works so well or is as robust.

Robust? Yes. The Autococker is very robust (durable) and long-lasting. Nothing can really go wrong with the gun. And if anything does, it is a snap to correct. The guns parts are interchangeable and have more after market upgrades than a NASCAR race car. In fact, the entire gun can be built exclusively from after market parts. You don’t really need to buy one at all.

There are great packages that one can buy for the cost conscientious consumer. The Autococker 2000 model and later come with some of the best upgrades included. The most significant is the shorter trigger pull. The new trigger pull has virtually no slack in it at all and rivals the triggers of electronic guns that use highly complicated microswitches.

A testament to the Autococker– the majority of professional paintball teams count on autocockers as their tool of choice. Professional paintball players need markers that they can truly depend on under adverse conditions. No other gun comes close.

The accuracy of the Autococker has become something of a legend. Compared to any other paint/barrel combination, the Autococker will always be more accurate and consistent over a longer range. That is the beauty of the design. Simple yet, very useful. Of course if you plan on shooting all your opponents at distances less than 20 feet, accuracy may not be as important. Last we checked, most people eliminate opponents much farther than that.

Furthermore, the Autococker allows a player to be more thrifty in using their paint. Becuae an Autococker is more accurate, one does not need to shoot as much paint. Surely if you had a target 50 feet away and used an electronic gun to “spray and pray” you will hit the target. But your hopper will be half empty. The Autococker allows you to hit your target quickly with only a few shots, rather than “spraying and praying.” This saves a lot of money in the long run and makes you a better player. It takes skill to hit a target with only three shots.

When we let players borrow our “cockers” we see a glow in their eye when they return the markers. “Wow, that thing is so accurate” and “I was hitting people all the way across the field” are commonly heard.

Why did we choose the Autococker for this editorial? We felt that history needs to be rewritten. Things have changed and the Autococker needs to be viewed from a new paradigm. A world full of electro-this or power-that, the Autococker still reigns as King!