Using Cover Properly

This is the biggest secret of the advanced player and the biggest mistake that a new player makes. It takes a while to learn and use, but is a great investment.

Immediately after the starting horn sounds, players will run to the first piece of cover and hide behind it.

What is wrong with that?


Inexperienced players “hide” behind cover. Experienced players “use” cover. Whether it is a set of old tires, some wooden crates or a fallen tree, “hiding” is not the proper way to use cover. Rather than “hide” behind cover, you should “use” cover to hide you.

Inexperienced players jump right up and hide directly behind the cover. They are way to close.
See below:

Being this close limits your sight. If it is a wooden wall you will not be able to see over it without having to “pop up”. This will hurt you. You have to be able to see what is going on. You have to maintain eye contact with the field of play at all times, hiding this close takes away your ability to maintain eyesight with the entire field.

If you ease off the cover, lay back a little and “use” the cover, you will be much better off. Firstly, you will be just as covered as before, if not more covered. Secondly, you can maintain the view at all times, which is crucial.
See below:

The red lines are just an illustration but you get the point. Whether it is to see “over” or “around” objects, laying off the cover gives you a major advantage. At first it may seem intimidating or akward, but you will quickly learn to use this technique.

The same goes for trees. Rather than run up to a tree and hug it with your shoulder. Take about 5 steps back, get down on one knee and “use” the tree to cover you, while maintaining your potency.

Remember, proper usage of cover makes all the difference in the world.