My dangerous style

If I say too much here I will give it away and people can come here and learn my style and then use it against me. However, style changes and adapts. I believe in educating and informing everyone. It would be more challenging to me if people knew my style and I surprised them with something new. Teams and players have to evolve and adapt. Sometimes you might have a bad day and be out of sync. On some days I play conservative and less aggressive, and on other days I play like a ferocious animal. a lot depends on team mates and overall team spirit and attitude.

I personally like to play very aggressively and will never give up. I remember once running out of air and calling myself dead. But I learned from that. Next time I ran out of air I continued playing and even killed some people by surprising them and causing them to surrender. That is a superb rush. The fact that you killed someone when you were not able to. I personally enjoy playing while standing up in plain view, rather than hiding behind something. Why? You have more control. You control what happens, rather than hiding and being ignorant of what is going around in front of you.

One thing I have learned over the years is that most paintball guns are not accurate. And with the poor caliber of players at most recreational fields, paintballs seldom land where expected consistently . Some guns are very accurate if paired up with the proper paint. Most “closed bolt” guns are accurate. Closed bolt describes the chamber where the ball is fired from. The ball is fired from a stationary position and the bolt does not slam into it and use the same pressure to blow back and recock. Pump guns, Autocockers, and a few others are closed bolt systems that are more accurate than other guns. another great gun is the Typhoon. They are so rare you probably will never see one. They are hand made by Glen Palmer and only 2,000 have ever been made. The likely hood of you seeing one is slim. Due to the fact that paint guns are not very accurate it is not strange to find me just walking around carelessly. Especially when playing with amateurs with rental guns. It is too easy! Of course I am using my own standards to judge the situation. Any beginners should not just walk around, you’ll get it BAD! I simply wish they were more accurate. I am quite satisfied now with the new barrels.

Another thing I feel is important is to be unpredictable. Play differently each time. That way there will be no way the other team can chracterize you and ‘know’ your style. Do the unthinkable.

Always win. If you are not winning consistently then you need to reevaluate your style. Play more defensively, play more aggressively, play with less pizzaz, play with more pizzaz, just sit out and watch, ask others, research… find out what you are doing wrong.

Winners don’t talk. Good players don’t talk. There is no need to go around touting your self and discussing how great you are as a player. Just play and people will see you and know your abilities. One time I recall playing in Canada. The teams were unfair 30 vs 10 and we lost dramatically. I personally played, in my opinion, poorly. However when we repicked teams I was the first to be chosen. It’s not just how well you perform, but also how you play and your attitude. You have to be brave and willing to sacrifice. Your playing character will shine through.

Never make fun of other players. Everyone has there own style. Let them be. Don’t discourage anyone. Try to help the sport by getting more and more players to play and enjoy it.

I hate camouflage. I think it is detrimental to the future of the sport. It carries a negative stigma; a bunch of army brutes. I don’t mind hunter’s camouflage, leaves, branches, etc but army green, brown, and black has to go.