Sniper: Sitting and waiting

By ken Kolezar

There is no feeling greater than that of hiding and surprising your enemy from behind. It may take you half the game of sneaking around the field in order to make your kill. This is my type of snipering and it can have many advantages, with few disadvantages.

The advantages are if you can execute properly, your enemies as well as your team will not know of your location. Another advantage is you can become your teams “X-factor”. Your opponents will be concentrated on grabbing your flag and your team mates guarding it. They will have no idea that you are there because they cannot see you. Among the disadvantages are the lack of action. There’s this rush when you are in a bunker with 2 or 3 of your teammates defending or trying to advance. Another disadvantage is when you are sneaking around and you are killed early in the game without shooting a single shot.

I’d trade this lifestyle for anything. I am always trying to perfect my techniques and find better ways. I’d like to share some of those in future issues.