Newbies getting respect

I know how newbies think. I should, I used to be one. The newest newbies or first-timers are always worried about two things: the pain, and looking stupid.
My first time out I was nervous that I was going to go out on the field and get torn by some of my friends that had been playing longer. I was also worried that it was going to hurt like hell. Well, first game, first hit, no embarrassment, no pain. The adrenaline covered it all up. So what is it that newbies worry about after their initial time out? Well if they are hooked they want respect of the better players.

Why is it so important for a newbie to be respected? Because when he becomes a respected player, he ceases to be a newbie. So how do you become respected? Well most newbies think that if you get lots of eliminations and don’t get eliminated yourself, then the experienced players will respect you. Well that is partially true, but the problem is that some newbies feel the desire to be great so much that they end up doing something stupid like wiping or dumping. Now dumping has its place at certain times, but if a newbie has to supplement pure volume of paint for skill then he will never get better.

You will see older players use lots of paint in games but they are applying it with extreme prejudice and judgment. I have seen newbies “mimic” back players and dump hopper after hopper but they are random about it. I call it shooting scared. They figure that if they single-handedly cover the entire field that they are guaranteed eliminations and cover. It ends up looking like they are scared and don’t know what they are doing.

One of the biggest problems with newbies is wiping. It can be argued that they are having so much fun they don’t want to leave the game, but I have found that it is really an issue of pride. Most newbies that wipe aren’t willing to admit that they got tagged. Wiping is the last thing that you want to do if you want respect. It is wrong and it will not make you look good if you are caught.

Basically there are a few rules that newbies should follow to gain respect.
1. Ask questions-Most experienced players love to help newbies out. And most view questions as wanting to be great.
2. Don’t cheat in any way-Everyone will look down on it. If you see someone do it, it means that they are below you.
3. Don’t try to dump-For the most part, try to find your own game follow basic tips about covering and shooting and all that. After a while you will find your own rhythm that will feel really good. Find the groove and you will be on your way.
4. Don’t play cheap-No blind firing, throwing paint, etc.

As a newbie, cheap stuff will be looked down upon. In other words, don’t take shortcuts, do everything perfectly legal. Don’t give anyone a chance to say you don’t play right.

Most important thing, have some fun while you are out there. Don’t get so caught up in looking like a pro that you forget that the point of paintball is to have fun. Have fun, be safe, and God bless!