Terrorist attacks

September 11, 2001 is a day that will be emblazoned into our memories. Committed to long term recall. A day never to be forgotten.

This heinous crime was not an act of terror, but rather, an act of cowardice. The likes of which we have never seen previously.

Our prayers, thoughts, and condolences go out to the families of those who perished in the attacks. May they rest in peace.

We aren’t going to sit around and claim that somehow if terrorists were to play paintball that there wouldn’t be anymore problems. No. This is not a problem that can be solved by more energy release exercises or better parent to child relationships.

From the ashes of the attack, has risen a new movement of no-more-civil-liberties-and-rights. This new movement is gaining publicity, but not popularity.

Unfortunately, and even more so, tragically, some groups are using this tragedy to push their own agenda. Some are calling for racial profiling. Some are calling for less restrictive INS prosecution laws, some are calling for a loss of freedom and liberty. Some are calling for more restrictive gun laws.

Which is just what the terrorists wanted in the first place. If we cower to their level and level more restrictive laws, then we have lost and they have won. It is unfortunate that these organization, along with our congress, have begun an attempt to curtail our freedom and liberty.

The President has said over and over again that the terrorists did this because they are jealous of our freedom, liberty, and way of life. Why now change all of that? Why restrict our freedoms?

Surely, Americans don’t mind a few more minutes at the airport check in area. But more than a 2hour wait is too far. Or is it? How much can we take?

Every American needs to decide what he or she wants and where to draw the line. If terrorism will strike fear in our hearts and scare us from going out and doing “normal” things, we have lost. And they have won.

America doesn’t lose.