Parents said No to paintball

On the outset, paintball may seem to be a dangerous sport, but nothing is further than the truth. Paintball players wear protective gear that covers most of the body. The gear is not as elaborate as a set of football pads, yet it provides plenty of protection.

All paintball fields require the use of a mask which protects the eyes, ears, and face. You can not participate unless you are wearing your mask. The choice of clothing is left up to your personal preference. Wear whatever is comfortable and the darker the better.

For the record, there has never been a paintball related death ever, so parents can rest assured that their children are in safe hands.

The players are partially responsible for the negative stigma that may be associated with the sport. Paintballers have to work on the ‘image’ of the sport. Army uniforms, camouflage, and bizarre outer wear often are detrimental to the sports’ image.