Must have a good time

By Jim Rossiter

One of the most important factors in playing paintball is that you must have a good time. This is especially true if you’re new to the sport or are hosting a group that is comprised of new players. If the experience is not fun for all, it’s almost a guarantee that some of you will never return to play the game again.
It seems that a lot of field owners lose sight of this, often grouping “newbies” with “tech’s”. This is a very poor decision, not only will the inexperienced players have a negative experience, but the possibility of confrontation between the two levels of players is high. The “tech’s” will expect the “newbies” on their side to play at their level, therefore, criticizing every move that the “newbies” make. At the same time, the “tech’s” will be engaged in “newbie bashing” the opposition.

Unfortunately, this situation arises inadvertently. The field owners make two serious mistakes. One, they are understaffed and unable to split the two classes, or two, don’t have adequate acreage to handle splitting the groups.

The primary concern for the field owners should be satisfaction of the customer, not profit. If the customers are not satisfied they will lose their clientele. This will result in an overall loss of business as negative reports of the field circulate. Though some players actually enjoy “newbie bashing”, they tend to be slightly more skilled than the “newbies” themselves, or just generally poor players who are looking for an ego boost. Paintball players as a whole prefer to play against others that are on the same skill level as they are. It can, and does, get boring when you win every game with little or no effort and it gets frustrating when you can’t win a single game all day.

One field that is fully aware of this is Poco Loco in Pottstown, Pennsylvania. This field, nestled in the hills of Eastern Pennsylvania, is a location that once hosted tournaments for teams the likes of The Green Dragons, Psyclones [sic], Lockout, and Fusion is now a haven for beginners.

Poco Loco has been in business since the early 1990’s and is owned and run by Jeff Hass. Jeff has been in the industry since the inception of his field, but has changed his clients drastically over the years. What was once visited mostly by “techs” and established teams, is now geared primarily towards the beginner and novice of the sport who are looking for an enjoyable day of paintball.

Poco Loco is a heavily wooded field that is strewn with numerous rocks, boulders, and a lot of cover. The safest location is on the ground with the trash can sized boulders, some reaching the size of dump trucks. This is a fantastic place for a player who is not afraid of crawling. Fields are extremely large with a high side as well as a low side, but to my surprise are evenly matched despite the difference in elevation.

Their staff of referees is highly trained and capable of covering these extremely large fields with ease. A great deal of attention is paid to keeping the teams even and the groups are re-divided when the referees see an unfair advantage developing. Players are welcome to bring their own equipment, but fire restrictions may be placed on them if the equipment causes an unfair advantage. All equipment is in excellent working condition and there are numerous upgrades available to those who wish to try the higher end equipment for a nominal cost. The field also boasts a snack bar that serves lunch as well as sodas and snacks.

Poco Loco is easily accessible from New York, Philadelphia, and New Jersey. Their web site (although it looks like a throw back from a 1960’s commercial) can be viewed at for additional information. Reservations are required and can be made at 1-800-PLA-POCO.

If you’re new to the sport, are hosting an outing for your fellow employees, classmates, or are just looking for a day out with the family, I would highly recommend Poco Loco for your paintball endeavors. Let Jeff Hass and his staff assist you by supplying you with a pleasurable paintball experience.