Mix up paintball players

By Kelly Tolbert

In response to Jim Rossiter’s Good time, a must

I am writing in response to Jim “Sarge” Rossiter’s article Good time, a must. While I agree that having fun is the most important factor, I disagree that “newbies” and “techs” should be separated onto different fields.

As a small field owner, I try to instill into each player that visits my field a sense of good sportsmanship. At our field we try to mix the players evenly so as no one team has an unfair advantage. And the “techs” at our field do their best to try and share their knowledge with the “newbies”, making the game more enjoyable for all.

The “newbies” at our field love the chance to learn from the “big guys”, and the “techs” are more than happy to cultivate a whole new field of competition.

Thank you for letting me share my opinion on this subject.

Kelly Tolbert
D&D Xtreme Paintball