Kia motors paintball TV commercial

By Rick Hulshof

How many times have you seen a glimpse of paintball on TV, only to be disgusted with the lack of safety shown in the clip – i.e. no goggles? Well here is an example of one done more the way it should be. My only complaint – is that the guy that gets hit is missing the mouth guard.

A quick rundown on the commercial that I saw on TBS Superstation. Two guys were behind a bunker, markers in hand, (with masks on) discussing KIA Sedona verses a Toyota product. Well needless to say it had my full attention.

You also see other players in the distant background, running with their gear. The discussion goes back and forth until the service plan comes up and the Toyota owner pops up commenting about what the KIA owner received. Splat, splat, splat; the Toyota guy gets gogged.

It was funny, obviously, but a good example of a more positive portrayal of our sport through the media. I can’t count how many threads I have seen on various forums about paintball being shown with improper safety gear or careless actions. It was really refreshing to see it done right, or very close to right, for a change.

The world of paintball owes KIA a huge thank you for showing paintball in a manner that is far better than what others in the past have done!