Preventing goggle fogging

Have you ever had trouble with your mask fogging up? Have you run out of anti-fog spray? No fan? What to do?

Whether you have a thermal lens, no fog inserts, or an anti-fog spray your lens will go blurry on you once in a while. So what can you do?

First of all we suggest getting a spray, inserts, a thermal lens, and or a fan for your mask. But while playing they may not always work, try these alternate plans.

If you don’t want to do any of that or don’t want to spend the money we suggest grabbing some liquid soap and dabbing a small bit of it on the inside of your mask. This will eliminate fogging up.

If you don’t have any soap or have tried that, then we suggest to try pushing your mask up a little to allow more ventilation. Your mask fogs up when the air can’t get out. Try cutting more holes in and around your mask to provide more circulation.

We never recommend taking off your mask, so if it is really bad and you can’t see anything just raise your hand and scream for a referee or a friend to help you off the field.

We have found that the JT thermal lens will fog up despite all the advertisement claims. We have found the zero fog inserts are useless because they don’t last for long and still fog up. The JT Cross Wind fan seems to be useful and clears up your mask very quickly. One modification we recommend if you decide to use the JT fan is to cut a nickel-sized opening in the top of your goggles right under the fan. This helps the fan clear out the air faster. The fan can also blow air into your goggles by reversing the battery.

If you have any other ideas that worked let us know!